"Troop Car" is a generic term, applied to the various makes, models and types of vehicles with usually four wheels. No written history exists as to when the term was first use. 1917-18 is a good bet when model T's were first used. The "T" stood for, that's right, "Troop Car". There are exceptions to the "four wheel" rule, such as a Brockway truck (1930's) to transport horses (Troop Truck). The images are in random order. The file name /lower left corner/ contains information available to identify the vehicle. You will see the letter "Q" used, which means a question exists about the year or make of a vehicle. Some images are paper based, not as sharp as photographic material, but the only one of a particular make found. This section is by no means complete, do you have a picture? Use the contact button. Click on an image to enlarge.